A great idea for a novelty app. The app itself works well. Even if youre dexterous (like me, a table-magician), youll have to practice a LOT to make this trick work at all -- but it still falls flat -- because hiding and then pulling out a bill to match the timing of the "printing" of the bill is very, very difficult. I think the app should be redesigned like this: (1) Abandon the "printing" illusion and go for a "dispensing" illusion. Everyone knows that the iPhone doesnt print anything, especially bills. (2) Aim for a "dispensing" illusion -- that is, change the short and barely audible ink-jet printing sounds to some "cha-ching" or "gears grinding" sounds. (3) Make the "printer" output-tray graphics looks more like the familiar ATM money dispensing slot. Go make a few withdrawals and observe the clink and clank and the air rushing out, etc. (4) Since hiding then sliding a crisp bill (crips bills are pictured) is VERY difficult, make it appear that the money is dispensed from the ATM slot then FOLDED and fed out ANOTHER slot at the edge of the screen that makes it appear that the money will appear, FOLDED, underneath the iPhone. Without these changes, this illusion app is just not likely to fool anyone. But it entertained me for a few minutes until I realized all its shortcomings, so you might find it amusing, too.
Table Magician about Money Printer